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Georgie Ricks
Georgie Ricks
Transforming Lives Since
United Arab Emirates
Passionate About
Helping people build healthy habits to improve their overall quality of life

Meet Georgie, the heart and soul of ‘It’s a PCOS Party.’ For a decade, she wrestled with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition that haunts 1 in 8 women globally and is the foremost cause of infertility. But Georgie didn’t just endure; she emerged triumphant, completely reversing her condition through a blend of mindful diet and lifestyle. Now, she channels her victory into a mission: to help other women rewrite their own PCOS stories.

Georgie’s journey took root in the hallowed halls of academia, where she delved deep into Biochemistry and Nutrition. With every discovery, she unravelled the complex needs of the female body for optimum hormone health. Her quest culminated in the birth of ‘It’s a PCOS Party’ in 2020, turning adversity into ambition, offering a lifeline to hundreds of women grappling with their health.

From intimate one-to-one coaching to enlightening online courses, Georgie offers a beacon of hope, delivered through empowering and educational sessions. She’s an advocate for the philosophy that food is medicine, a potent healer that can be harnessed to nourish the body.

Georgie’s mantra, ‘Life is not a dress rehearsal, so live it,’ radiates throughout her work. She champions a balanced, healthy lifestyle that does not shy away from life’s pleasures. She is the living embodiment of her belief that a condition does not define you, encouraging women worldwide to embrace this empowering perspective.

A one-woman powerhouse, Georgie has guided over 3,000 women on their PCOS journeys, sharing her invaluable knowledge across the globe. Her unwavering drive and creative prowess have propelled ‘It’s a PCOS Party’ from strength to strength.

In recognition of her innovation, Georgie clinched the ‘SheLeads’ award in 2021, standing out among 400 contenders. Her compelling pitch to a panel of esteemed judges at the Dubai Business Women’s Council resonated with leaders in the UAE, securing her the coveted title of ‘SheLeads Winner 2021’.

Georgie’s outreach extends through partnerships with leading companies such as Nabta Health, Groupon, Blended, Valeo, Ultrahuman, and Ovacure. These collaborations amplify awareness around PCOS, providing crucial support to women grappling with this challenging condition.

Her unwavering dedication and hard work earned Georgie the prestigious ‘Support Her’ Award at the Women Who Thrive event. This accolade honours those who champion women, fostering inclusivity and empowering women in leadership roles.

Commanding a loyal Instagram following of 18,000, Georgie reaches 30,000 accounts weekly, forging a vibrant community. Her dedication to sharing engaging content and heartfelt stories has fostered a high-trust environment, with 85% of her followers based in Dubai and placing their trust in the products and services she promotes.

Georgie stands ready to share her insights through one-on-one interviews, seminars, nutritional talks, and writing articles. She covers a wide array of health and wellness topics, including hormones, PCOS management, nutrition, exercise, stress and sleep management, and much more. Eager to share her story and expertise, Georgie welcomes opportunities for collaborations, speaking engagements, and social media partnerships.

Georgie is more than just the face of ‘It’s a PCOS Party’—she’s the lifeblood, embodying the determination, passion, and knowledge that fuels her brand. With every woman she helps, Georgie adds another chapter to her inspiring journey, proving that even the toughest conditions don’t define us, but rather, how we rise above them.

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