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Deepen Your Family Bonds in Spain
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20 Jul 2024 - 27 Jul 2024
Bookings & More Information
8 Days
Galician Coast, Spain
7 Nights Included
All Meals Included
Maximum of 10 People
João Perre Viana
How This Trip Can Change Your Life
  • You will deepen your bond with your child in unparalleled ways: Through shared experiences, challenges, and discoveries, this journey offers a unique opportunity to understand each other on a deeper level, communicate more effectively, and appreciate the nuances of your relationship. The intentional activities and serene walks provide the perfect backdrop for meaningful conversations and memorable moments, laying the foundation for a stronger, more resilient connection.
  • You will gain fresh perspectives on life and relationships: Immersing yourself in the rich cultural, historical, and natural beauty of Galicia, along with engaging in reflective exercises and interactions with like-minded individuals, will broaden your horizons. This experience encourages you to rethink your priorities, values, and how you interact with your loved ones, inspiring positive changes in your personal and familial life.
  • You will leave with a tangible action plan for continuous growth: Beyond the immediate joy and discovery, this retreat equips you with a structured, thoughtful plan to nurture and enhance your relationship with your child. This plan serves as a roadmap for ongoing improvement, ensuring that the insights and connections forged during the journey translate into lasting benefits, helping you to cultivate a more understanding, supportive, and enriched relationship long after you return home.

Embark on an unforgettable journey with your son or daughter that transcends the ordinary, forging memories that will echo through the essence of your relationship. The retreat offers a meticulously crafted program to enrich the bond between parent and child through a harmonious blend of engaging dynamics, captivating games, thrilling adventures, and tranquil walking trails. These paths meander through the breathtaking landscapes of Galicia, inviting you and your loved one to discover together the beauty of untouched nature, the depth of historical wonders, and the allure of local culinary delights.

Immersed in this experience’s rich tapestry, every activity is thoughtfully designed around our Remarkable Transformers, João Perre Viana’s innovative Survival Kit methodology. It aims at the heart of your connection, nurturing and strengthening the core of your relationship with wisdom and care.

Picture yourself wandering alongside the serene Galician coast, where each step with your child is a step towards deeper understanding and appreciation. Together, you will craft a shared action plan, a blueprint to enhance the beauty of your bond in ways you’ve yet to imagine.

Join a community of like-minded parents and children, all embarked on this transformative path of self-development. Your journey will lead you from the historic streets of Vigo to the mythic “end of the world” as known to the Romans, unveiling a world of pristine beaches, awe-inspiring forests, and rejuvenating boat excursions along the way. As your travels culminate in Santiago, you’ll not merely arrive at a destination but emerge as pioneers of a profound familial journey.

Guided by the Survival Kit methodology, each day presents a new opportunity for reflection—whether in solitary contemplation or in enriching dialogue with your child, gaining insights from diverse perspectives. This extraordinary week promises not just memories but a lasting legacy of growth and connection. Return home equipped with a comprehensive action plan, ready to enrich your relationship with your daughter or son in the days and years to come.


What's Included
  • Seven nights double occupancy accommodation
  • All breakfasts, lunches and evening meals with drinks included
  • Personal insurance
  • Pre-walk orientation session
  • Exclusive walking mentorship methodology
  • Individual mentoring sessions during the program and after the program
  • Time to walk on your own and with each participant


  • Airfare is not included
  • Visa Fee is not included
  • Anything else not listed under “What’s Included”
Day 1
Arrival in Vigo / Exercise - Listen
What is happening right now in our lives? The ability to actively listen can be a super power, one of the most powerful skills in our life.
Day 2
Vigo to Hio / Exercise - Question
Learning with new perspectives. Perspective changes everything. Being curious and open to expanding our horizons and discovering new perspectives can be very enriching.
Day 3
Hio to Armenteira / Exercise - Framing
Measure how you spend your time. Understanding how you spend time from qualitative and quantitative perspectives can be enlightening and an opportunity to adjust it in a way that energizes you.
Day 4
Armenteira to Cambados / Exercise - Summarise
Assess yourself. An opportunity to look at the mirror and be more conscious about your strengths and opportunities for development. Also the possibility to listen to others' points of view and decide what to do with those inputs.
Day 5
Cambados to Villanova de Arosa / Exercise - Build a vision
Imagine your brightest future. This is an opportunity to dream, to draw your vision of the perfect day.
Day 6
Villanova de Arosa to Ribadulla / Exercise - Choices
Decide on next steps. You will look at the possibilities and make your own choices imagining activities that matter.
Day 7
Ribadulla to Santiago / Exercise - Detail the future
How to do it? Clarify the activities and your motivations. Pay attention to the traps.
Day 8
Santiago / Exercise - Action
Place your plan in motion. Create an action plan to make the activities you dreamt of happen. Treasure your discoveries and main lessons.
Ksenia & Petr
Mama, it was the best week of my life :)

It was an incredible week. There are a lot of insights that you need to live through. It is important to go out of our comfort zone and to discover again and appreciate these things that we maybe never feel like it's some advantage that we have.

When I asked my son what was his opinion about the Parents & Kids program, he replied, Mama, it was the best week of my life. For me, it's quite touching and deep. And then he asked, okay, next year, what time will we go again? And I just smiled.
Natalia & Lera
If you ask me for the top five moments of my life, this will be one of them.

After five years, my daughter still remembers some of the exercises, and she uses those exercises in her life. She got the concept of planning her life, which is fantastic. She writes the plans every year. She knows what her life balance circle is, and she manages it.

I never thought she got so much out of that time in the program, for example. One day when we were talking, I saw in her diary some of the plans she had developed, and she said, that was very good learning, mom. Yeah, I got quite a lot from that trip.

Could you get this experience in another setting? Probably not! I enjoyed it a lot, and I wish to repeat this time with my son.

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